I wish I could really describe and explain to all of you reading my blog how amazing this experience is. Although I was surprised by the month long adjustment period and the difficulty I had, that time has made me appreciate being here so much more. Like Taoism and the yin and the yang, which create unity in opposites…in everything in life, you have to have the bad, to appreciate, understand and learn from the good and vice versa. Having survived the loneliness and isolation, I am now able to soak up the beauty of every moment and am extremely grateful that I am here.
Not only are the people I am working with and meeting inspiring and amazing and helping me to open my eyes and gain new perspective on life and the world we live in; but the land here, the environment in which I am living…it is indescribably beautiful. I went on a jog on Friday afternoon to this big stone at the top of one of the hills here; my friend suggested this route after I mentioned to him that running on the road attracted a lot of curious stares. Not only am I a white girl in the middle or rural Africa, but I am wearing shorts and out for an afternoon jog…all things that are not a normal part of daily life here! As I found my way up to the huge stone, I realized I was about to have an unbelievable view: the sun was slowly starting to set and I could see all around me for miles and miles and miles. I could see the endless rolling hills of Uganda and all that they contain; I could see the whole world. I had seriously found a piece of heaven not even ¼ mile from where I’ve been living for 5 weeks. I wanted to shout as loud as possible, I wanted to cry, and I wanted to jump with happiness. I was surrounded by untouched land and it was gorgeous.
Normally, I really do not enjoy running; I just do it because I know it’s good for me and, especially if it’s a nice day, it usually relaxes me. But even when I jog in the park at home, I am counting the minutes til I am done. Here, I feel as though I could jog forever; I never feel tired afterwards; but re-energized and with a new sense of calm. After my jog Friday, I swear I was drunk with happiness. It was the most intoxicating feeling. I just felt so HAPPY and so very grateful. Happy to be here. Grateful that I have the chance to live this experience. Happy and grateful for all that is “Marci’s Uganda”.
A few hours later as I walked to town to meet some friends, I looked up at the sky and marveled at the thousands of stars above. Because there are no street lights, you can really see THOUSANDS of stars and it just made the feeling of drunk happiness that was still dominating my soul stronger. I tried to explain to my friends how I was feeling…I’m not sure how successful I was, but I think the childish grin that was spread from ear to ear on my face may have helped.

I spent Saturday with some of the same friends at Lake Mburo National Park only 30 km from Lyantonde. It was such a treat to see so many zebras, hippos, impalas, eagles, storks, warthogs (okay, that was not a treat) and more all in their natural habitat. It was an awesome day and a perfect extension of the positive energy from the day before. On the nature walk we were lucky to come within 20 yards of 2 grazing hippos (a rarity at that time of day) and then on our boat trip we saw one of the rarest birds in the world. Although the warthogs were uglier than ugly, the zebras looked like they had been painted into the scenery; I never could have imagined that they could be THAT beautiful in person. And on our way out of the park, we saw the national bird of Uganda, the crested crane (above right)…a perfect way to end our adventure.
I remember in my first weeks I felt as though the 3 ½ months I was supposed to be here would not pass fast enough. I was determined to lend a helping hand with RACOBAO, but I looked forward to my return home daily. I missed my family and friends and I longed for the life I had left behind…well parts of it! But now, as I soak up and truly appreciate the culture, the environment, the beauty and the stories, I find myself thinking that time here could never be long enough. For the first time in a very long time, I feel stress-free. All of those moments from the last years of feeling overwhelmed with my work and my life are gone. My spirit has found a sense of calm; my soul is at peace; and I am truly happy and grateful for this moment in my life. If I could reach through this screen to each of you and give you a piece of this love and calm, I would. But in its place, I hope you each try to find your own moment of drunk happiness. If not today or tomorrow, then sometime very soon…just look out for it, because it will find you in the simplest of simplicity and the calmest of calm. My thoughts, energy and love are with you all.
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